Please consider these guidelines for citing the CILS4NEPS data and documentation materials before publishing with them.
Researchers working with CILS4NEPS data are obliged to cite the data version (DOI) as follows::
Dollmann, J., Horr, A., Arnold, L., Kerzner, V., Schmidt, R., Weber, F., & Weißmann, M. (2023). CILS4NEPS - A Harmonised Dataset Based on CILS4EU and NEPS SC4, Scientific Use File 1.0. FDZ-LIfBi, Bamberg.
Documentation or supplementary material
If you would like to cite a certain documentation or supplementary material, please cite it as follows:
Codebook CILS4NEPS:
CILS4NEPS (2023). Codebook: A Harmonised Dataset Based on CILS4EU and NEPS SC4 (CILS4NEPS), Version 1.0 with CILS4EU Waves 1-3 and NEPS SC4 Waves 1-6. Mannheim: Mannheim University.
Technical Report CILS4NEPS:
Dollmann, J., Arnold, L., Horr, A., Kerzner, V., Schmidt, R., Soiné, H., Weber, F. & Weißmann, M. (2023). Technical Report: A Harmonised Dataset Based on CILS4EU and NEPS SC4 (CILS4NEPS), Version 1.0. Mannheim: Mannheim University.
Weighting Report CILS4NEPS:
Würbach, A. & Aßmann, C. (2023). The Composite Weight of CILS4NEPS: Joint Weighting of the German CILS4EU Sample and the Sample of Starting Cohort 4 of the German National Educational Panel Study (Wave 1). Technical Report referring to DOI:10.5157/CILS4NEPS:SUF:1.0. Bamberg: Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi).