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Citation Guidelines

On the following pages you will find guidelines on how to cite data and documentation materials for each CILS4EU data package that is available.

Citation CILS4EU Scientific Use File (full or reduced version): This refers to the hamonized data from four countries that was collected in waves 1-3

Citation CILS4EU-DE Scientific Use File (full or reduced version): This refers to the German follow-up project to the CILS4EU data collection

Citation CILS4EU Campus Use File Wave 1-3: This refers to the Campus Use File, a subsample of the wave 1-3 data from Germany.

Citation CILS4NEPS Scientific Use File: This refers to the CILS4NEPS dataset, which combines data from CILS4EU waves 1-3 and Starting Cohort 4 of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS).