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September 26-27, 2024: 5th International CILS4EU User Conference

Registration for this event has closed.

--> Call for Abstracts

User Conference
Title: 5th International CILS4EU User Conference
Venue: Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES) in Mannheim, Germany
Dates: Thursday, September 26th, 2024 - Friday, September 27th, 2024


The aim of the conference is to bring together a constantly growing group of data users working on a variety of topics from different research areas in several countries. We welcome contributions that use of the CILS4EU data or any of the natonal follow-up studies. Papers can be single country studies or cross-country comparative work, cross-sectional or longitudinal studies. Users will have the opportunity to present their ongoing or completed work, receive comments, and share their experiences with the data. It is the best opportunity to get in touch with other CILS4EU data users and the German and Swedish CILS4EU research teams.

If you want to present your work at the conference, please submit an abstract (maximum 500 words) by May 15th, 2024 to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.. Submissions will be reviewed, and authors will receive a notification about the acceptance decision by mid-May.

September 25th, 2024: Meet the Data Workshop

Registration for this event has closed.

Meet the Data
Title: Meet the Data Workshop 2024
Venue: Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES) in Mannheim, Germany
Dates: Wednesday, September 25th 2024

Before the conference, on September 25th, 2024, from 14:00 to 17:30 a Meet the Data Workshop will take place. It introduces researchers to the CILS4EU data and its extensions and is addressed at prospective users as well as current users who are interested in recent data releases (like, e.g., CILS4NEPS). The workshop can be attended independently from the conference. To participate in the workshop, you do not need to submit an abstract. Just sign up until August 31st, 2024 via this website: https://cils4eu.mzes.uni-mannheim.de/

There is no participation fee for the conference or the workshop. This conference and workshop are jointly organized by the Institute for Futures Studies (IFFS), Stockholm, the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), Stockholm University, and the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES), University of Mannheim.

We look forward to seeing you!