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Wave 1

Reports, questionnaires, and the codebook for wave 1 of the survey can be downloaded here.

Please take notice of the existing English translations of the country-specific instruments. Differences in any instrument between countries are marked with country-specific tags.




Wave 2

Reports, questionnaires, and the codebook for wave 2 of the survey can be downloaded here.

Please take notice of the existing English translations of the country-specific instruments. Differences in any instrument between countries are marked with country-specific tags.




Wave 3

Reports, questionnaires, and the codebook for wave 3 of the survey can be downloaded here.

Please take notice of the existing English translations of the country-specific instruments. Differences in any instrument between countries are marked with country-specific tags.




CILS4EU - DE (German follow-up study)

Wave 4

Reports, questionnaires, and the codebook for wave 4 of the follow-up survey conducted in Germany can be downloaded here.




Wave 5

Reports, questionnaires, and the codebook for wave 5 of the follow-up survey conducted in Germany can be downloaded here.




Wave 6

Reports, questionnaires, and the codebook for wave 6 of the follow-up survey conducted in Germany can be downloaded here.




Wave 7

Reports, questionnaires, and the codebook for wave 7 of the follow-up survey conducted in Germany can be downloaded here.





Reports, questionnaires, and the codebook for CILS4COVID, an add-on to the follow-up study conducted in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic, can be downloaded here.




Wave 8

Reports, questionnaires, and the codebook for wave 8 of the follow-up survey conducted in Germany can be downloaded here.




Wave 9

Reports, questionnaires, and the codebook for wave 8 of the follow-up survey conducted in Germany can be downloaded here.




On the following pages you will find guidelines on how to cite data and documentation materials for each CILS4EU data package that is available.

Citation CILS4EU Scientific Use File (full or reduced version): This refers to the hamonized data from four countries that was collected in waves 1-3

Citation CILS4EU-DE Scientific Use File (full or reduced version): This refers to the German follow-up project to the CILS4EU data collection

Citation CILS4EU Campus Use File Wave 1-3 (Germany): This refers to the Campus Use File, a subsample of the wave 1-3 data from Germany.

Citation CILS4NEPS Scientific Use File: This refers to the CILS4NEPS dataset, which combines data from CILS4EU waves 1-3 and Starting Cohort 4 of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS).


Please consider our official Citation Guidelines for CILS4EU CUF Data and Documentation before publishing.

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: We strongly advise that any work (e.g., theses, term papers) that is based on the CILS4EU campus use file (CUF) data should not be published in its original form. As explained in the README, the CUF data is a non-random subsample of the German part of the CILS4EU data. As such, substantive findings from analyses of these data might be biased and not generalizable. If you wish to publish work based on the CUF data, please apply for the full or reduced version scientific use file (SUF) and repeat the analyses with these data. The SUF contains more than 18,000 observations across four countries and weights to adjust for uneven sampling probabilities. It also offers additional variables that are useful or necessary for certain analyses. The SUF is available to students who are in the final stages of their Master’s program and above. Information how to apply for the SUF data can be found here.


Every work using version 1.0.0 of the CILS4EU CUF data should cite the data as follows:

Version 1.0.0:
Kalter, Frank, Irena Kogan, and Jörg Dollmann. 2022. Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries (CILS4EU) – Campus Use File (Germany). Data file for download and off-site use. GESIS Data Archive, Cologne, ZA5994 Data file Version 1.0.0, doi:10.4232/cils4eu.5994.1.0.0


Documentation or supplementary material

If you would like to cite the CUF documentation materials, please cite them as follows:

Readme Campus Use File
Soiné, Hannah, Lena Arnold, Jörg Dollmann, Victoria Kerzner, and Markus Weißmann. 2022. Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries (CILS4EU) – Campus Use File (Germany). Readme. Waves 1-3, v1.0.0. Mannheim: Mannheim University.

Codebook Campus Use File
CILS4EU. 2022. Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries (CILS4EU) – Campus Use File (Germany). Codebook. Waves 1-3, v1.0.0. Mannheim: Mannheim University.

If you would like to cite the SUF documentation materials included in the CUF package, please cite them as follows:

Technical reports

Technical Report Wave 1
CILS4EU. 2016. Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries. Technical Report. Wave 1 – 2010/2011, v1.2.0. Mannheim: Mannheim University.

Technical Report Wave 2
CILS4EU. 2016. Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries. Technical Report. Wave 2 – 2011/2012, v2.3.0. Mannheim: Mannheim University.

Technical Report Wave 3
CILS4EU. 2017. Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries. Technical Report. Wave 3 – 2012/2013, v3.3.0. Mannheim: Mannheim University.

Other materials

Sociometric Fieldwork Report Wave 1
Kruse, Hanno, and Konstanze Jacob. 2016. Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries. Sociometric Fieldwork Report. Wave 1 – 2010/2011, v1.2.0. Mannheim: Mannheim University.

Sociometric Fieldwork Report Wave 2
Kruse, Hanno, Markus Weißmann and Konstanze Jacob. 2016. Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries. Sociometric Fieldwork Report. Wave 2 – 2011/2012, v2.3.0. Mannheim: Mannheim University.

The main purpose of the Campus Use File (CUF) is to enable students and lecturers at universities worldwide to use CILS4EU data in learning and teaching contexts. The full Scientific Use File (SUF) as well as a reduced version is available to senior researchers and graduate students after filing a request. However, we believe that the CILS4EU data are a valuable resource for teaching and learning for undergraduate students, too. For that reason, we created the CUF, which is available to all undergraduate and graduate students, provided they are supervised or taught by a senior researcher with an institutional affiliation. The CUF is provided free of charge. For information on how to get access to the CUF data, refer to the section Campus Use File here.

All important documentation materials, including the codebook and a README file that should be consulted before using the data are freely available here. These materials contain detailed information about the content of the CUF data, the sampling and fieldwork procedures used during data collection and an overview of the differences between the CUF and SUF files. The most important differences between CUF and SUF are listed below so you can decide which version is best suited for you.

  1. The CUF only contains data from waves one to three of the German part of the CILS4EU project. Data from England, the Netherlands, and Sweden are not available in the campus use file.
  2. The CUF consists of a subsample of the recruited panel list invited to the first, second, and third wave of the German CILS4EU sample. This subsample comprises 2,498 of the 5,013 adolescents who are part of the German CILS4EU sample.
  3. Certain variables included in the SUF are not available in the CUF for data protection reasons.
  4. Certain variables in the CUF are modified versions of variables included in the SUF to ensure anonymization and enable off-site-access to the CUF.

Despite these modifications, the CUF is a great tool for students to learn about and practice data analysis with real-world data. Since it contains three waves, it is especially well suited for practicing longitudinal data analysis. The CUF also contains social network data on classroom networks in waves one and two. These can be used for social network analysis. The thematic focus on the integration of children of immigrants makes the CUF data a great source for developing and working on research questions in the area of migration and integration. However, if you want to publish your work, we strongly advise that you use the SUF data files. The CUF is a non-random subsample of the German part of the CILS4EU data. As such, substantive findings from analyses of these data might be biased and are not generalizable.

CILS4NEPS is a cooperation between the teams of the Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries (CILS4EU) and the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS). Both the CILS4EU and NEPS SC4 data are longitudinal studies that have the same target population, namely adolescents who attended 9th grade in the school year 2010/11. Both started in 2010 and used almost identical sampling approaches. This ensures a high degree of comparability, which makes it possible to harmonize some of the contents to create one combined dataset - the CILS4NEPS data.

For this project, we use data from waves 1-3 of CILS4EU and waves 1-6 of the NEPS Starting Cohort 4. Compared to the origin datasets, the CILS4NEPS harmonized dataset provides significantly bigger sample sizes for certain (e.g., ethnic or social) groups as well as for certain events (e.g., specific school-to-work transitions). It also enables researchers to compare school and labor market trajectories of young people in Germany with those in England, the Netherlands, or Sweden, which is not possible with just the NEPS data.

The harmonized and pooled CILS4NEPS dataset comprises 34,293 respondents in the first wave. Harmonized variables with information about respondents' socio-demographic background, structural integration (e.g., school perfomance), social integration (e.g., romantic relationships), cultural integration (e.g., language) and health and well-being (e.g., life satisfaction) are available in these data. For a complete list of available variables, please refer to the documentation materials for the CILS4NEPS data, which can be downloaded here.

Remote access to the CILS4NEPS data is possible via the RemoteNEPS service after submitting the necessary materials. To apply for the data, please follow the steps described in the section "Data Access" here.